For my opinion, Media convergence can be define as the transformation or the evolution of media from the old media to the new media. The evolution of this media is basically because of the advance changing in the world. 

Back then, the media were known as an Old media or Traditional media, This media are any media that does not require any internet for example newspaper, radio, television and more. Because of the advent of new technology most of the old media has now been reinvented into something new and more easy to use which some of it requires the use of the internet for example smartphone, Tablet and others. With the advent of the technologies, most of the old media has already been replaced by this technology. For example, with smartphone you can also watch a television show there without watching TV, you can also read a newspaper using it and many more. Digitization also allows consumers of media content to become producers and distributors of media content as well, whether they are hobbyists frequenting social media sites or professionals (e.g., ​designers, filmmakers, musicians, writers, etc.) seeking to establish themselves. Some analysts see this as a democratization of media; anyone with access to digital media and a computer network can produce, consume and circulate media content.

So basically, media convergence in actually the changing of the old media into something more advance and can be easily use where ever anywhere and anytime we want at the same time or basically refers to the merging of previous media which is the old media technologies and media forms due to digitization and computer networking which is the internet.


What are some of the problems or issues of MEDIA CONVERGENCE?

Problems or issues of media convergence are, Media convergence have become an important element of life for many people. With the development of technology in different  platforms and operations such as television, Internet and mobile communication, audiences have had both a bigger choice of media and a life which media technologies has made easier. 

However, media convergence may bring some problems to the users, For instance with the development of technology
On the one hand, in term of industry, with the development of technology, it camncaused the lack of jobs as the cost of products and software was lowered so instead of having different workers,  converged media operation can use the same reporters and staff to produce stories for, television, telecommunication and Internet mediums. By combining each medium’s resource, a converged operation can increase the quality of its product. As a result satisfaction of customer is increased, which leads to a larger audience. From the public’s standpoint, the increased convenience of information provided by converged stories makes using the media a better experience.
Beside, in term of society especially, media convergence cause the fragmentation of audiences for news. Nowadays, people talk about not having enough time to everything  they want in a day or doing more than one thing at one time. Convergence lead the media is more interactive and audience participation is encouraged. In addition, greater audience engagement can help to enhance the way people experience the media.  Moreover, with the interactive World Wide Web, audiences are able to download and share music , video , photo via social networking and become media produce.
However, media convergence also can bring many challenges . Audiences complain about information overload and they can be overwhelmed and find it difficult. Furthermore, the rapidly changing of technology  has obstructed  audience’s activities. People lack of skill to take full advantage of new media especially old people and disable. So will an audience so used to traditional forms of media embrace a new way of receiving information. In addition , media companies pursue audiences by greater benefit from maketing and advertising through cross-selling.


How do you guys use your technology when it comes to student life?

Technology has become a useful and very helpful element in our life especially student life and also for working people, As a student, Technology has been always be one of the important element in my life. With the advent of the technology, It has made our life more easier especially when doing our school assignment. For instance, with technology, we can just do every assignment that we have more easier as we can do it faster which can save our time. We can just do our research from the internet anytime where and anytime freely we want without walking to the library, waiting when it opens and get shouted or kick out by the librarian when we make a noise and brings food or drinks inside the library.

Other than that, with technology like phone, as a student, we can use it to contact or having a class discussion our colleague or lecturers incase theres any sudden info like class cancelled, emergency and other reasons. With smart technology like phone, tablet or laptop, we can just use it to copy whats our lecturer writes on the white board which are more saving our time rather than writing on a paper then so sudden your lecturer erases the board then you will missed it. At the same time we can also save the paper.

So yeah basically the existence of media convergence is actually really helpful for student and also for the others as there are lots of benefits.
