AR (Augmented reality

is a live, direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. Adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone.


Snapchat is one of the famous social media and also an AR app that being use by people around the world especially teenagers as it is also a multimedia messaging app used globally use to interact with friends or to make new friends as we can interact with world wide people.

Back then, Snapchat was actually being use to send a message only same as WhatsApp but the only different is that it has camera where we can share or "snap" and send it to our friends. But nowadays, with the new update there are lots of things that can be done with snapchat, such as "snap streak" with friends which snap streak means you snap a photo or video of you with your friend and share it with them everyday without stopping so you and your friends that you snap with will get a snap streak sand time number.

Image result for snap chat streak

Besides that, what makes snapchat become more fun is with existence of AR in the app. This make snapchat become more fun to use with friends like the updates have lots of filter to play with and even games that we can share with our friends. 

More over, there are also animation being added on the snapchat which looks reality like the animation are really infront of us. Now, there is also another interesting cool feature  on snapchat which is the "bitmoji", Bitmoji is basically like an avatar character of us or anyone that we customize the looks, appearance, clothes by ourselves. We can also customize maybe our imaginary character as we can pick the gender and then customize it. How to use it? first we download the "Bitmoji" app then we just register our details, customize the character and then connect it with our snapchat. Then same like the way how we use the filter, we just turn the camera into front camera then the character will show up. For example, the video below was taken by my own using my snapchat where I create a bitmoji of my own imaginary sister as when I was at PTES, my friends created an imaginary character of female version of me until I made it like alive like I made an account using the name "Farisya" as that what they called my invincible imagary sister to them so i made this one character bitmoji to represents "Farisya" in real life, it does sounds crazy but it is just for fun, and lots people loves it so I just use it as an entertainment to play with. So yeah, thats why I love using snapchat because of the cool features that they have.

