1. A generation ago, parents and care-givers might have worried that children spent too much time ‘in front of the television’. Now the concern is that they spend too much time ‘on the computer’. Is the essentially the same kind of concern or are there important differences.

Spending too much time ‘in front of the television’ or ‘on the computer’ can be good and bad for everyone especially to a children. There are advantages and disadvantages of spending too much time on these two media devices. Firstly, Television, it is on of a telecommunication medium or device used to for transmitting moving images. The first television has already been made since 1927 in San Francisco by an inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth and also by other inventors, John Logie Baird and Charles Francis Jenkins but from different country and years. Television transmitting its images in monochrome, in colour, in two or three dimensions and nowadays in high dimensions and 4k. Television has upgraded almost every year by different brands such as LG, AIFA, SAMSUNG, AKIRA and more.

Television, there are some advantages and disadvantages of using or watching television. Firstly, television can be a good thing because it can be use for entertainment, there are plenty of optional channel can be found inside the television that showing the viewers different kind of show such as news, movies, music, sports, drama and more. For example Astro, one of the television station from Malaysia, they provided the views with hundreds of optional channel which can be watch anytime demanded. The reason this can be a good reason of having television for an entertainment is because this can be a way for the viewers to relieve their stress especially for the working people who are always get busy at their workplace and needed their time to release their stress from their businest at work or also for children especially the students. Besides that, Television also are good because some of the channel can be useful as an educational purposes. For example, in Astro, there are some educational channel such as TVIQ, National Geographic and more, these channel provide lots of information, for example Discovery Channel, this channel is an American digital cable and satellite television network. This channel shows a lots of shows that can give the viewers all the information about the world such as living life in this planet like humans, animals, mother nature and more. With all of these shows showing on the television, viewers can get lots of information about the planet and for a research for school work or anything that related to education. Other example is astro TVIQ, this is also one of the educational channel that can be use for the children especially students, the reason because same with National geographic, this channel also provide the views with a lots of information and knowledge. For example, one of the show in the channel is “OH MY ENGLISH!”, this is one of the television programme full with entertaintment and mostly it teaches us about how to speak English properly. Therefore, this can be very useful for the viewers to learn or get their knowledge about education in another alternative way rather than going to a library and getting books there for doing research, this is because with television, the viewers can do their study at home anytime.

However there are also disadvantages of watching television, as what been mentioned above, televisio can be one sort of an entertainment for its audience, however, this can be a bad thing if the televison is use in a bad way especially for children, the reason is because there are some 18+ or adults television can be shown on the television which are bad because it might influence the children in a bad way. For example, they can be influnced badly if they watch any action movie as the children can be easily get influenced as they are naive so if they watch this kind of bad movie they might copy it and try to risk their life doing it such as killing, shooting, stealing and more. Besides that, watching television also can give a harmful impact to the children health and academic performance. This is because one, watching television can be harmful to their health as if they watch television without any time limit or self control by their parents or guardian, this might affect to their eyes, this is because thier eyesight can be decreasing if they keep watching televison without any break and they also might get a health problem like obesity if they did not do any exercise if they only stay sat on the sofa watching tv everyday, everytime without taking any break from it. Other than that, this also can be bad to their educational performance as they might get distracted easily with their daily tv shows like drama which can distract them from doing their revision or school work.

Those arguments can also be apply as a concern to the children who spends to much time on their computer. Eventhough these two devices of mass media are different because both have thier own speciality, both of the can be same as both of them are devices with screen and also provide the audiences or the users the same use as what people can watch on television can also be watch on the computer, For instance, YouTube, this application works the same ways as television, the only different is the videos on YouTube can be get or subscribe anytime and anywhere we want as it is an interactive apps that can be access anywhere, which is either by using laptop, iPad or tab or phone and others. However, there a lots of thing we can do on computer compare with computer, which can be more badly to be use for the children. For example, the use of internet, internet is a global network that provide us a variety of information and communication facilities. This can be a problem for the children if they use it, as they could enter those inappropiate website which are bad for their age to watch or seeing all of those bad sites. Computer also can be bad for the children as they can also interact with people that they do not know in social medias, therefore this can be a bad thing if there is no self control because we never know if the children might be interacting with an unknown people who could be hacker who want to steal all the info about us like bank account, address, or any personal information.

However, there are also the benefits of using computer, which computer can be use as a study purpose, which the student or working people can use their computer for their work as there are lots of education or working software that can be found inside the computer such as Microsoft Office, Publisher, Excel, Photoshop and more. Therefore, these software are very useful for the users to do their work easily.

2. Some commentators have used the idea of the brain to explain the workings of the internet. What other ways can you think of to explain how the internet works?

The idea of the brain explains the workings of the internet, the definition of the internet is, it is a global network that provide us a variety of information and communication facilities. The reason why commentators have used the idea of brain to explain the workings of the internet, it could be because our brains are like computer. The way our brain process can be same as the computer which is brains, we use it to grab, memorize, retrieve or send information and same goes with the process of the computer. But how internet works? I think internet works because of humans, without humans there would not me any information or knowledgeble information can be put in the internet without human discovery or research. So I think, the idea of the brain to explain the workings of the internet as what have been said by some of the commentators are kind of true. This is because internet can be like brains of the whole people in this world. As all the information or things that can be found in the internet are existed because of humans who made it or create it.

3. There’s a popular saying attributed to the open source movements to the effect that ‘information just wants to be free’. Do you agree with this sentiment? What are the implications of such freedom for old media? Are the implications for new media different?

I agree with the sentiment mentioned above that there is a popular saying attributed to the open source movements to the effect ‘information just wants to be free’. Information should be free and easily can get everywhere for the people because we all in this planet needs information, without information we can’t live, the reason because every since we were born information has been useful for all of us, information has provide us with plenty of useful knowledge for us. For instance, News, we won’t know any updates about what is happening to the world if there is not information given to the news which this could be a problem as we didn’t know anything whether is the world ok today or not. Old media and new media works the same way, both of it provide us with information, the only different is that with new media nowadays, we can get our information anywhere and anytime we want as new media can be from our own phone which we always bring it with us where ever we go compare with the old media, it’s really hard for us to get the information from it when ever we want as old media can be radio, television or newspaper, they are big and only provide us only with specific time news while with new media we can get any information we want, either from the past or the latest one and even future. Morever, in new media, the information can be fake because people can change the information from real to just made it up information compare to old media which no one can change the information as they are fixed.
